Church council and trustee meetings are the first Monday of every month
(Trustee meeting - 7:00 pm // Council meeting - 7:30 pm)

Leadership is a critical factor in the health and growth of churches. Simply put, healthy and growing leaders cultivate an environment of health and growth in churches and in mission activities. Healthy and growing leaders equip other people for leadership expressing the Shared Value of Ministry. Without leaders (and leadership) local churches and the Conference ‘system’ would struggle to exist.
We greatly appreciate all of you who provide leadership. Some of you do it as your calling or vocation. Others do it as volunteers, faithfully contributing to the mission and ministries of churches over and above the ministry and mission you perform in your workplace. Thank you for what you do.
Meet our Church Leaders - (click on the name to open for photo and more information)
James Sproul - Council Chair
"I have been a member of Malaga United Methodist Church for over Twenty-Five years. In fact many of our congregates have been members for over Twenty-Five years. I have been the Financial Secretary and Administrative Council Chair for over Twenty years. I enjoy coming every Sunday to our Church because the congregation is loving and very friendly. We are a praying and God loving Church who desires to reach out to the community inviting all to come and see all that our Church has to offer. We are a Bible believing, Bible teaching Church with Sermons from the Pastor and Bible studies that are centered on Jesus and Spiritual growth."
Robert Cooper - Finance Chair

“I began attending MUMC sometime during the mid-1990’s, shortly after moving to this area. Not sure of the exact year however like many others I loved the Church and have been attending ever since. I currently serve as the Finance Chair. Along with the other members in the Finance Committee we continuously monitor the income and expenses of the Church. Each Sunday the tithes and offerings are counted, recorded, and a bank deposit is prepared. We track and record our tithes and offerings using the computer program Quicken. At the end of each year the committee provides a statement to each family/person which they can use for IRS filing. Each month a financial report is submitted to the Administrative Council for review. I enjoy helping out in the kitchen during event gatherings and during our annual chicken barbeque. In the spring and fall I assist and prepare the church grounds for the yard sales that occur twice each year. Monitoring Church energy usage is something else I do regularly in order to prevent wasteful use.”
Albert Emenheiser - Treasurer
My wife Judy and I reside in Pittsgrove Township. We began attending Malaga United Methodist Church in 2002 and became members in 2003. When we were searching for a church in the area, Malaga Methodist was the first church we visited. After that initial visit, we knew we had found where we were meant to be. We were impressed by the warmth of the congregation and pastor. Within a few weeks of attending the Sunday service it felt like home and family. We love the mix of traditional and contemporary worship. I accepted the position of Church Treasurer in 2014. As a couple, we participate in the Couples Bible Study and have attended several Couples Retreats.
Paul Gramm - Trustee President
Paul is one of two certified lay servants that fill in for our Pastor any Sunday he is away. Paul leads our Trustees that oversee building maintenance of our Church and Parsonage. He sits on the (SPRC) Staff Parish Relations Committee and Christian Education teams. Paul is one of our Sunday School and Vacation Bible School teachers, leading the teenage class grades 7 thru 12. Paul also leads an Adult Bible Study meeting on Friday mornings at 9:30 am in the Sunday School building. Paul's studies are centered on Jesus with a focus on putting Him first with absolute trust in Him. Outside of the Church Paul is very much involved in the Greater Cumberland and Salem counties Big Brothers and Big Sisters program. Paul loves to photograph nature and often speaks of God's amazing wonders.
Gloria Winfield - Chair Staff Pastor Parish Relations
Comment information to be added.
Nora McDonald - Lay Leader

"I began attending Malaga United Methodist Church in 1962, became a member in 1979. Like so many in our congregation once I started attending our church I stayed here. MUMC is a loving, caring, serving, and praying church. I have always felt very comfortable here. Since 1979 I've held a number of positions within the church. I have been Trustee Chair, a Sunday School teacher and the Super Attendant of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. I've also spent some time helping out with the Youth Group. I am currently one of the Lay Servants in the church and formally assisted in running Martha's Kitchen, our food pantry. I love serving and helping out any way that I can, I have been blessed."
Joyce Miller - Lay Member to Conference / Chair Nurture, Outreach and Worship Team

I began attending Malaga United Methodist Church over 50 years ago. I was married at Malaga to my late husband Glen, it’s definitely home. Worship at Malaga is focused and centered on our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God and Prayer. I’m currently Lay Member to the New Jersey Annual Conference. As a member and part of the body of Christ I enjoy volunteering and helping out around the church whenever possible. Some of my other functions around the church include the weekly preparation of our bulletins, serving in the kitchen preparing nightly meals during our VBS program, decorating around the church during the Christmas season, ordering our weekly altar flowers and I have served on various other committees. If you’re searching for a church to call home I invite you to our church, all welcomed.
Ethel Jo Broomall - Reserve Member to Conference
Position information to be updated.

Order of the Methodist Church Leadership
We have fun here at Malaga UMC - this is our Head Trustee Paul Gramm working Martha's Closet during a Red Hat club gathering.